→pyro←  ....it's still probably better to wait till the next generation of Wincustomize.com is up and running before anyone gets involved with site skin creation in any shape or form.
As mentioned before, I doubt this exercise will be of any value due to potential inherent redundancy.
WHEN we know exactly what it is that 'may' be skinned, THEN it may be timely to ponder new skin viability, etc....
pryo ... what Jafo is trying to say in his wordy way is, we need to wait and see what the new 'look' of WC will be. Skins designed for the present look, may not work with the new site layout. I don't think he's suggesting that you give up.
Koasati is hoping for a dialup friendly site skin for the new layout. One that is graphically un-intense, so it loads faster on slow connections.